Custom Chrome Plugin for Tracking and Blocking Browser Porn Activity

We will develop a custom Chrome plugin to track and block pornographic content, providing you with enhanced control and security.


Custom Chrome Plugin for Tracking and Blocking Browser Porn Activity

Are you concerned about the presence of pornographic content on your browser? Do you want to have better control over what you and your employees can access online? Look no further! Webackit Solutions is here to provide you with a custom Chrome plugin that will track and block browser porn activity, ensuring a safer and more secure browsing experience.

Enhanced Control and Security

Our custom Chrome plugin is designed to give you enhanced control over the content that can be accessed through your browser. With this plugin, you can track and monitor any pornographic activity, allowing you to take appropriate action if necessary. Whether you want to keep your personal browsing experience clean or maintain a safe and secure work environment, our plugin is the perfect solution.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Customized Solution: Unlike existing apps or plugins, we will create a brand new plugin from scratch, specifically tailored to your needs. This ensures that you get a solution that perfectly aligns with your requirements.
  • Tracking and Monitoring: Our plugin will track and monitor all browser activity, specifically focusing on pornographic content. This will give you detailed insights into the browsing habits of yourself or your employees.
  • Real-Time Alerts: In addition to tracking, our plugin also provides real-time alerts whenever pornographic content is accessed. This allows you to take immediate action and prevent further access to such content.
  • Blocking Capability: Along with tracking and alerts, our plugin also has the ability to block access to pornographic websites. This feature ensures that you have complete control over what can be accessed through your browser.
  • Privacy Protection: We understand the importance of privacy, and our plugin is designed to respect that. All the data collected and monitored by the plugin is kept secure and confidential, ensuring that your privacy is protected at all times.
  • Easy to Use: Our plugin is user-friendly and easy to install. Once installed, it seamlessly integrates with your Chrome browser, providing you with a hassle-free experience.
Pricing and Value

At Webackit Solutions, we believe in providing high-quality services at affordable prices. Our custom Chrome plugin for tracking and blocking browser porn activity is priced at just 500 EUR. Considering our 12 years of experience in the industry, this is an excellent value for the level of customization, control, and security our plugin offers.

Get Started Today!

Don’t let pornographic content compromise your browsing experience or the security of your workplace. Take control with our custom Chrome plugin for tracking and blocking browser porn activity. Contact us today at to get started and ensure a safer and more secure browsing environment.